On the Banks of the Old Raritan

"On the Banks of the Old Raritan" is the alma mater of Rutgers University. The lyrics and music were written by Howard N. Fuller, a member of the Rutgers College Class of 1874, in 1873. The mp3 of this can be downloaded here

Fuller was approached by fellow Rutgers College student Edwin E. Colburn, from the class of 1876, who was influential in organizing the Rutgers University Glee Club. Colburn organized the glee club in response to the first edition of the Carmina Collegensia published by Oliver Dison and Company, in Boston, in 1869, which was advertised as a complete collection of American college songs. Colburn deplored that Rutgers College had no official school song, and many students were surprised that Rutgers with several school songs was not included in the collection. Colburn asked Fuller to compose a tune and some lyrics that he may use for the Glee Club, in its first public concert to be performed later that evening in Metuchen, New Jersey. Fuller wrote the lyrics in two hours setting them to the tune of a popular melody On the Banks of the Old Dundee. According to a later interview with the Rutgers Alumni Monthly, Fuller stated he chose "On the Banks of the Old Dundee" as the song "immediately struck me that the air of that song had the right melody and the stirring and martial swing for an effective college song." [1][2]

"On the Banks of the Old Raritan" and thirteen other Rutgers songs appeared in the second addition of the Carmina Collegensia, published in 1876.[3]

It is often sung at university occasions, including performances of the Rutgers University Glee Club, and other campus musical groups, at convocation and commencement exercises, and especially at the conclusion of athletic events.



While there are five verses to the song, typically only the first and last (fifth) verse are sung.

My father sent me to old Rutgers,
And resolv'd that I should be a man (or a woman);
And so I settled down,
in that noisy college town,
On the banks of the old Raritan.
On the banks of the old Raritan, my boys*,
where old Rutgers ever more shall stand,
For has she not stood since the time of the flood,
On the banks of the old Raritan.
Her ardent spirit stirred and cheered me
From the day me college years began;
Gracious Alma Mater mine;
Learning's fair and honored shrine;
On the banks of the old Raritan.
I love her flaming far-flung banner
I love her triumphs proud to scan,
And I glory in her fame
That's immortalized her name.
On the banks of the old Raritan.
My heart clings closer than the ivy
As life runs out its fleeting span,
To the stately, ancient walls
Of her hallowed, classic halls
On the banks of the old Raritan.
Then sing aloud to Alma Mater,
And keep the scarlet in the van';
For with her motto high,
Rutgers' name shall never die,
On the banks of the old Raritan.

During the University Commencement in New Brunswick, an extra verse (in addition to the first and last above) is included in the singing of the Alma Mater, which goes as follows:

From New Jersey's northern lakes and mountains,
To her southern pines and gleaming shore,
Learning's fair and hallowed place
Joins us every creed and race
As we praise the name of Rutgers evermore.

Over the years, several organizations on campus have penned additional verses, informal interjections, as well as parodies of these lyrics.

1978 faculty parody

In the Spring 1978 semester, the Faculty and Staff of Rutgers College held a fund-raising talent show. One of the highlights was a parody of "On the Banks" from the faculty point-of-view, led in song by Dr. Richard P. McCormick, History Professor, University Historian, former Dean of Rutgers College, and father of professor and future University President Dr. Richard L. McCormick.

The Lyrics were:

Your fathers sent you to Old Rutgers,
And your moms were glad to see you go!
For they had quite enough
Of your adolescent guff
And they felt it was well worth their dough!


To the Banks of the Old Raritan you came
Where Old Rutgers ever since has stood
Where you found sheer delight
Beer and parties every night
For we've done the best that we could!
So sing your praise to Alma Mater
And the RU Screw forever ban!
For, as we all should know
We find kindness apropos
On the banks of the Old Raritan!


23 To Sparta Rock Version

The New Jersey band Sparta has made their own bad rock version of this song. The lead singer Samish, also known for his Rock news blog Rock it Out! Blog, and all of the band members went to Rutgers University. The song can be found in their Myspace page.


  1. ^ George J. Lukac (ed.), Aloud to Alma Mater. (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1966), 70-73. (No ISBN)
  2. ^ "Singing Songs of Scarlet" from the Daily Targum 18 May 2006.
  3. ^ Henry Randall Waite (ed.). Carmina collegensia : a complete collection of the songs of the American colleges : with selections from the student songs of the English and German universities, and popular songs adapted to college singing (Boston: O. Dison; New York: C.H. Ditson, 1876).
  4. ^ On the Banks of the Old Raritan accessed 12 August 2006.
  5. ^ "Singing Songs of Scarlet" from the Daily Targum 18 May 2006.

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